2025 Winter Season
Age groups are determined by birth date. For the She Rocks, all ages are based on the December 1st, 2024 age. If your child's birthday falls outside the age range for his/her grade, go ahead and register in the age group given; please let us know in the "Special Requests" section of registration that she is in a different group. If no option is available, contact us so we can add it. You can email or call our office at [email protected] / 619-728-5739. We will transfer to the proper age level.
Age groups could be combined to ensure enough teams to form a division.
Cost is $125-
Late fees after regular registration
We do not want anyone to pay a late fee. We need you to sign up on time, so please register early. Once we hit the late registration deadline, we will not waive late fees, and you lose the right to be on the same team immediately preceding the season (Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer).
Team formation -
We aim to form teams where kids play with friends and classmates.
Players who participated in the immediately prior season (Fall to Spring or Spring to Fall) will have first dibs to be on their same team from that prior season as long as they sign up on time. Late registrants lose the first shot at being on the same team. You may request a different team, and you will be placed based on your request unless that team is full. We will wait until the late registration deadline to place new players or players requesting a change of teams to give returning players on each team a chance to register. Once we hit late registration, we will fill in teams with new players. Returning players signing up late will lose their spot on their former team if it is full.
Players who did not play the previous season will be placed based on school attendance. We try our best to get them on a team with classmates. If all teams with classmates are full or no other kids from the same school are registered, we will try to put them on a team from a nearby school. Your coach or team requests will be honored if that team is not full.
Coaches—Volunteer parent coaches coach all teams. Recreational Head Coaches get one Child free for the child they are coaching. Head Coach Coupons will be given after you are selected as a coach. [email protected]. Be sure to volunteer as a coach when you register.
Practice—All practices are one hour before the game. All practices and games are played at Steele Canyon High School. For convenience, some teams may choose to practice at their local school or a park, but we can't reserve those fields for you.
Game Schedule - The Fall and Spring seasons typically have six games plus a division tournament.
The Winter and Summer seasons typically have six games plus a division tournament. At Meet & Greet, you will receive your team/roster information. Schedules are typically released a few days after Meet & Greet.